Monday, September 8, 2008


Evolution has had millions of years to find solutions to problems. There is a wide range of problems it has had to overcome because of the diversity of life. Pel Beyak encourages and supports efforts at using these solutions to help combat the problems facing humanity in his article "Biomimicry Gives Ideas to Artists and Engineers." He states that human solutions have caused too many secondary problems. Biomimicry is a much more sustainable solution. Janine Benyus founded the Biomimicry Institute, which is dedicated to researching and experimenting with technology that is based off of natural phenomenons. I find this type of research very interesting. Some of the technologies developed are incredibly efficient and effective ways of accomplishing tasks. Thinking of the diversity of species suggests that there are many more discoveries to be made in this field. However, I do not think that it should be seen as inherently better than other human discoveries. The animal world is not always sustainable. Some animals eat others, occasionally they even drive them extinct. There is no reason to believe that nature's way of doing things is fool proof. There are many examples of imperfect designs within animals. Human appendixes and wisdom teeth are examples of this. Some problems are too complex for evolution to overcome. It is important for the human mind to continue working on these problems. Biology can provide inspiration.

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